Inductance of a straight conductor of circular section

Straight conductor
of circular section
Relative permiability and conductance
of popular materials

wire material: 

relative permeability (μr) =    
conductance (μr) =    MS/m
frequency    MHz
wire length    mm
wire diameter    mm
Inductance ≈     nH
Reactance ≈     Ω

Formulas used

d : diamiter of the wire [cm]
f : frequency [Hz]
ℓ : length of the wire [cm]
μr : relative permiability of the conducting material
μ0 : 4 π × 10-7 [H/m]

T(x) is an AC correction from tables [2], and is asympimated by curve fitting with
a precision of a few percent for 0 ≤ x ≤ 100. For large x, T(x) approaches zero.

Fig.1 Conductor length V.S. Inductance
Appendix A

  1. Brian C. Wadell, "Transmission line design handbook", Artech House, Boston, 1991.
  2. F.W. Grouvers, "Inductance calculations", Van Nostrand, New York, 1946.

Online-calculator - Inductance of a straight conductor of thin flat section
HP 42S - Inductance of a straight conductor of circular section
HP 42S - Inductance of a straight conductor of thin flat section
Online-calculator - Synthesize/Analize microstrip transmission line

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